Why Choose A Meercat?

Designed and built in the UK our workboats have a proven track record.

  • Exceptionally stable hull form
  • Over 70 years industry experience
  • Conventional or road transportable
  • Highly manoeuvrable
  • Built to MCA Workboat code or Class
  • Customisable equipment and layout

We can tailor our Meercat Workboats to meet your every requirement.

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Mooring & Piling

The Meercat’s design is perfect for laying and retrieving moorings.

With the addition of a bow roller and deck winch, the vessel will surpass others in her class.  When it comes to piling, the twin spuds keep the Meercat exactly on station to ensure accuracy.  For canal works, the vessel has the ability to split into two 3 metre wide sections to either traverse locks, or indeed entire continents, before reconnecting and carrying on the work.