Why Choose A Meercat?

Designed and built in the UK our workboats have a proven track record.

  • Exceptionally stable hull form
  • Over 70 years industry experience
  • Conventional or road transportable
  • Highly manoeuvrable
  • Built to MCA Workboat code or Class
  • Customisable equipment and layout

We can tailor our Meercat Workboats to meet your every requirement.

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Port Service Vessel

The Meercat is your perfect port service partner.

At least seven Meercats already built are in service on a daily basis tending to merchant ships, delivering stores, potable water and other supplies twelve months a year.  Additionally, Meercats are used to carry out duties around the port such as surveying, fender repairs, salvage, rubbish collection and navigation mark servicing.