Why Choose A Meercat?

Designed and built in the UK our workboats have a proven track record.

  • Exceptionally stable hull form
  • Over 70 years industry experience
  • Conventional or road transportable
  • Highly manoeuvrable
  • Built to MCA Workboat code or Class
  • Customisable equipment and layout

We can tailor our Meercat Workboats to meet your every requirement.

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Floating Crane Operations

You'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Whether on an inland lake, a shallow estuary, or upto 60 miles offshore The Meercat excels as a versatile floating crane, able to get where larger, deeper vessels struggle to access.  The remote control option enables the operator to position himself in exactly the right position to control the lift and upto 50 tonnes of deck capacity enables the Meercat to transport substantial loads to and from site.