Why choose a Meercat?

Designed and built in the UK our workboats have a proven track record.

  • Exceptionally stable hull form
  • Over 70 years industry experience
  • Conventional or road transportable
  • Highly manoeuvrable
  • Built to MCA Workboat code or Class
  • Customisable equipment and layout

We can tailor our Meercat Workboats to meet your every requirement.

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Dive Support

Spacious and stable dive support vessels.

The Meercat’s spacious deck area, inherent stability and low freeboard makes it the ideal choice as a dive support vessel.  The ability to carry specialist equipment to site, including containerised modules is facilitated by the powerful deck crane.  Diver comfort and safety can further be enhanced with the addition of a moon pool. A designated dive room with a fully integrated ‘HP’ system with audio and video diver communications makes life for the diver safer and easier. Underwater hydraulic tool functionality is also available.